Tuesday, April 12, 2011

METAPHYSICAL MOMENTS - Looking In The Right Direction

On Sunday I woke with a very sore and sorry problem.  My left ear was almost touching my shoulder and my chin was pointing to my toes.  It was not pretty and felt extremely Quazimodo like.  I could not move or lift my head to look forward, let alone turn it to the right.  I was impressed initially that I could very comfortably rotate to the left and see the back of my right leg... Almost felt like I was going to do a full 180 degree owl spin.. The novelty soon wore off though as the slightest movement caused the most intense pain.

I have had neck stiffness before but today was very different and a lot more troublesome.  There was no explaining the physical cause of the issue.  I know that I am usually falling asleep twisted between two little treasures, with an arm around each, but I have never experienced quite a misalignment as this.

Sunday was spent on my back resting with some deep breathing and light restorative yoga poses.  By the end of the day I could look forward, however the pain was still present which prevented me from lifting, or bending to pick up things.  I could also only turn my body to the left, which family members found thoroughly amusing.  I'm sure at times I looked like a  fanatical dog chasing my tail :D  I managed to sleep that night and woke Monday to a similar situation, albeit not so extreme.

Physically, the muscles of my back mid section, particularly my right side, were contracting and therefore pulling at my spine.  The muscles of my upper left section were trying to counteract this by also pulling at the spine and hence tightening and shortening the muscles of my neck, forcing my head to point down.  This in turn created the right side of my neck to stretch beyond it's natural capacity and therefore create the pain I was experiencing.
The body never ceases to amaze me.. always trying to maintain equilibrium.

So that was what was going on for me physically.  What I really wanted to know was, metaphysically, what is my body trying to tell me?  What is the hidden message in all of this??

Having studied Metaphysics I understood that there was a direct link to why my body was "stuck" in this pose.  I knew that the only way I would find the answer to my question was to completely tune in to my body and "see" what was happening on a subtle level.

 Metaphysically, the neck allows you to look in all directions.  It gives you the opportunity to see the truth in a situation.  If we choose to be inflexible about a particular issue in our lives, we can pretty much guarantee we will be blessed with neck stiffness. 

With deep relaxation and meditation I delved a little deeper....

I found myself thinking about a handful of resolutions I made at the beginning of the year.

*  I will play more and work less.

*  I will live in the present moment more and leave the future details of my life to evolve naturally.

*  I will allow myself to be more available to the children and their needs.

*  I will whinge less about what I don't have and embrace more of what I do have.

*  I will spend more time doing things that make me happy...

There seems to be a lot of the word "more" in these statements...  I try not to be too hard on myself and understand that being Human has it's weaknesses.  It's natural to slip up occasionally xx

However, it is true that my life in Queensland was slightly unbalanced, so the main objective for these goals was to tip the scales in favour of all that is wholesome and nurturing to me.

I recognise now that my eyes were not being directed to my toes, but to my heart.  I was being reminded to bring my focus back to my loving self.
To stop looking back to rest in past sufferings and to stop looking outward and beyond in order to reconnect with my goals.
The answers lie within.. always <3

So as I type this today, I can turn my head in all directions.  There is still a little pain as my body works hard to return to it's natural position.  I will continue to rest and enjoy some restorative yoga but the rest of today will be spent dancing with fairies and crafting gifts for friends.

I shall bless you with insight and inspiration and a full turning circle of awareness :D

Much Love
Angel xx