"From little things.. big things grow".. The Seed That Grew; a thought, an action, a life??
Since our recent move interstate.. to the other side of Oz to be exact.. Life has been throwing us a few curve balls. It has been challenging, just quietly, moving through all of this and I have to admit there have been times when I really did think our family was cursed or replaying out some pretty heavy duty Karma issues :)
However, as I sit here in the stillness of the night, reflecting on the craziness of my immediate world and space, I am convinced that at this moment, my inner world is a direct reflection of the environmental goings on of our beautiful Mother Earth. No holds barred, in all her fury. I feel her pain deeply and yet am energised in knowing that with these massive Earthly changes I too am evolving/healing x
The purpose of this blog is for me to reconnect to something that I have always known but somehow forgotten. That Life begins from the most humblest beginnings.. and yet the possibilities that grow from that very tiny seed are endless and BIG and wonder-Full. We all have the potential to make our dreams come true... No matter how WiLd they are!! And we must NEVER EVER believe that what we desire is fanciful, ridiculous or immature (etc etc)... Life is for Living! and that is pretty much going to be my motto from this day forward.
Being a mum to four divine children xx has taught me to respect my own individuality. We "Unschool" and make up our own rules... most of the time :) We have the most wonderful, inspiring friends who do all the same "weird" stuff as us.. Attachment Parenting, Holistic Living, Organic Growing, Peace Loving.. Tree Hugging Hippies.. (You get the picture!) And yet with all our similarities there is still so much we learn from one another. The greatest thing of all is that we respect each other and our choices as parents, partners, people.
Now, because I am such a complex person with many many interests, this blog will be an ecclectic mix of everything I am "made" of. Sugar and spice and all things nice, of course, but also the not so great moments of Life too. Mostly, my posts will be about the goings on at home here, the family adventures we go on and any other random thing I need to get off my chest. I hope you enjoy!